
Diamond Bar, CA, United States
This blog is a means to challenge myself as an artist in hopes to someday be able to inspire others as I have been inspired by so many people to pursue art as a lifestyle

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

"The Zone"

Last Sunday at Deep I found what truly being in the zone felt like. Close to the end of the night during a session I somehow just simply felt the music pulsate through my body and I moved almost effortlessly as I consciously had no more control over my body and my subconscious moved to the music.

House is definitely a feeling.

Last night I found the zone through my sketching. My hand was moving hella fast and on its own while my mental awareness was no more fixated on the task of sketching. Once again just listening to music and really letting go.

Music is a wonderful thing. Rhythm is so prominent in this world that I live in, without it I feel that life couldn't exist. Rhythm can be found anywhere; in nature, in any sort of sound, in music, in art, in buildings, and any sort of movement.

Rhythm is life to me.

Only now am I really starting to trust myself with how music can influence my skills and turn me into a better artist overall.

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